Friday, 17 April 2015

Entering A New Galaxy (Galaxy S6 Test Images)

Hey everyone,

As some of you may have seen I picked up a brand new phone the other day. The Samsung Galaxy S6. Touted as having one of the greatest mobile phone cameras to date. Well with such big claims, I thought I'd go out and grab a few quick test shots too see how it stacked up.

I went for a walk down to my go to spot, Clovelly. I usually only shoot here at sunrise so sunset was going to be a little different, but still, it's all the same really except the sun's on the opposite side to usual.

I decided just to leave the camera on all auto settings to see how it assessed and handled the conditions, and I must say, pretty damn impressive. White balance is spot on, zero chromatic aberration, and a nicely weighted focus range.

I put these images into Lightroom and made some very minor basic adjustments to the highlights and shadows, but left the saturation, sharpness and noise reduction untouched.

All in all, first impressions I am very pleased with my new toy. I might even leave my big old Sony A65 at home a little more often now.

Anyways enough from me, I'll let the images do the rest of the talking, and perhaps review a bit more in depth when I've had a chance to test it out more thoroughly. And have taken some better images too!

Shooting in to a rising or setting sun can often result in high chromatic abberations (purple tint around edges of things), but as you can see they're just about non existant.
I do love shooting a good wave, which is actually rare to see in Clovelly, but the wind was blowing offshore just nicely.
Was a bit wary of getting this low without a case, because the phone is extremely slippery!
Token vertical shot
Testing out the detail in the water patterns as is surged down the concrete channel

Thats all from me, dont forget you can find me on all the usual channels
Google +

Cheers, Matt.

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